Australian vocal trio from Sydney consisted of brothers Ralph and Peter Griffiths with John Bartlett, in 1960 recorded for Rex Records...
-I Am / My Sweetie Pie. as The New Notes with The Ultra-Tones.
-Need Someone To Love Me / Sing Sing Sing. as The New Notes with The Versatiles.
-One Step Beyond / The Way We Are. as Margaret Hooper With Ron Hardy And The Hardi-Men and The New Notes.
-Bad Man / Teenage Baby. as Col Joy with the Graduates and The New Notes.
-Lovely Hula Hands. as The Maori Troubadours Featuring Tui Latui And The New Notes.
Also were enclosed on the Rex Ep " 4 Stars " with...
-You're Free To Go. as Margaret Hooper With Ron Hardy And The Hardi-Men And The New Notes.
-I Am . as The New Notes with The Ultra-Tones.
To Listen or Download_I Am. please visit;